From Homeland Insecurity to Heartland Security – Shifting to A Global Culture of Peace

Aired 16 March 2021 – 5:00 PM EDT

Interview with Attorney, Author and Documentarian Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute

“If war is a necessary evil, it’s time to establish peace as a necessary good.” — Swami Beyondananda


It is sadly true and truly sad. What has come to be known as globalism can also be called gobble-ism, as it has become a way for those with way too much money and way too much power to gobble up our planetary resources, and keep the world’s population armed against one another. To keep this system in place, there is a system of “impropaganda” perpetuated by a media controlled by a few corporate players. In other words, globalization = gobble-ization = Goebbelization.

Fortunately, there is an awakening – an upwising – by those who see a new kind of global engagement that comes from bottom up awareness instead of top-down imposition.

Our guest this week, Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute, is truly a voice in the bewilderness, who recognizes that our current way of pursuing “security” is both obsolete and obsolethal. Instead of promoting endless growth – that is, extraction of nonrenewable resources – and preserving peace by preparing for war, we need to encourage the cooperation necessary for sustainable living and development. I know, I know. He is proposing a sane world. He must be crazy.

My sense is that he is calling forth a “sane asylum” where we find and cultivate the sane and sacred center that represents our true human potential.

Jonathan Granoff is an attorney, author and international advocate emphasizing the legal and ethical dimensions of human development and security, with a specific focus on advancing the rule of law to address international security and the threats posed by nuclear weapons. He serves on numerous governing and advisory boards including: Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, Fortune Forum, Jane Goodall Institute, the NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament, and Middle Powers Initiative. He is a recipient of the Rutgers University School of Law’s Arthur E. Armitage Distinguished Alumni Award and a 2014 nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Writes Jonathan in a recent piece: “The planet can be understood as one integrated living system. Humanity can be understood as one species in a web of life. We require a new set of ideas in accord with this understanding.”

If you’d like to find ways to turn this ideal into the real deal, please join us.

To find out more about Jonathan Granoff and the Global Security Institute, please go here: