About Wiki Politiki Radio Podcast
“Where left and right come front and center to face the music and dance together, to turn the funk into function and leave the junk at the junction”
Despite what we hear and see on the news, we have a deeply UNITED body politic in America. Whether people identify as progressive, conservative, independent or “other”, the vast majority of Americans believe our current pay-to-play political system doesn’t represent them. Particularly in the election of 2016, where the candidate named “Neither of the Above” would have won in a landslide, citizens are feeling disheartened, discouraged and disenfranchised.
The elephant — and donkey — in the living room is the growing awareness that neither of the two major parties has the people’s interest at heart, nor the good of the commonwealth for that matter. The system is incapable of fixing itself, and so what is required is an “intervention” by the entity that our founding documents, The Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution declare is the “sovereign” of our republic: we, the people.
About Wiki Politiki
WIKI POLITIKI is a podcast, a platform, a context and a community where sane and functional ideas can “come out and play”, and where we can use our intelligence more intelligently in this “shrinking world that could definitely use a good shrink.” We’re not afraid to look darkness in the heart at Wiki Politiki. And … we do so with love, humor, compassion, and equanimity. And we invite you to become part of our community where we identify, nurture and proliferate the practical visionary ideas that will bring what our colleague Charles Eisenstein calls “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
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Latest Wiki Politiki Podcast
Is COVID the New 9/11? From “Conspiracy Theory” To Con’s Piracy Reality
Aired 25 May 2021 – 5:00 PM EDT
Interview with M.D. and Vaccine Expert Meryl Nass
“Call me a tie-dyed-in-the-wool optimystic, but I believe we can achieve herd immunity without unheard of impunity.” — Swami Beyondananda
In 2004, the renowned theologian and philosopher David Ray Griffin published a book called The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. He was referring to a document released in 1997 by neoconservative think-tank, Project For A New American Century. The document declared that to mobilize public opinion to support America’s 21st century military agenda, a “New Pearl Harbor” would be needed.
Griffin and numerous other “coincidence theorists” noted how conveniently the 9/11 attacks were used to justify the War on Terror, the Afghanistan invasion and Iraq War that have become the Forever War, with no end in sight. It also produced the so-called Patriot Act, which has led to the routine, thorough surveillance of American citizens that we have been asked to accept as “the new normal.”
Well folks, there is now a NEW “new normal” thanks to the current COVID crisis, that seeks to install more surveillance and more encroachment of natural rights and human liberties. Our guest this week, MD and vaccine expert Dr. Meryl Nass. She, along with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of Children’s Health Defense, has produced a well-researched – and frightening – document that offers damning evidence that effective early treatments for COVID-19 were intentionally withheld so that vaccines could be fast-tracked without trials as emergency measures.
Given how much we heard about how Donald Trump’s failure to handle the crisis and how many lives were lost as a result, it may be that many, many more lives were lost because these treatments were withheld.
Is this conspiracy theory or con’s piracy reality? Is there a smoking gun, and if so, what can be done about it?
Meryl Nass is on the front lines in this battle over – well, over which reality prevails. Read more here…