Aired 1 January 2019 – 5:00 PM EDT
An Interview with Visionary Success Strategist Jeanine Just
“It’s time for ALL OF US to become interdependently wealthy.” — Swami Beyondananda
Many years ago, when I was a teacher in Washington, D.C. I had a wonderful colleague who loved channeling Mel Brooks’ 2000-year-old man, who for some reason spoke with a Yiddish accent. One day I ran into my friend, and knowing he was considering switching schools, I asked, “So what are you doing next year?”
And he replied — with that exaggerated Yiddish accent — “Oh, they’re having another one?”
So as we come to the end of another intense and challenging year where you can say both it was the best of times and worst of times … YES … we are having another one!
Our New Year’s Day guest is my long-time friend and colleague Jeanine Just. She came on my radar when I watched an intriguing and inspiring movie, We The People: Re-Evolution of Politics and Economics, co-produced by Sharon Stone. I saw Jeanine was one of the featured luminaries, so I decided to reach out to her.
Jeanine is a Visionary Success Strategist and describes herself as a practical futurist with common sense approaches to today’s complex issues. With over 35 years experience working with thousands of clients, the LA Times called her “a trailblazer—a catalyst for change.”
Each year she creates her Luminosity Vision to help guide people through the New Year so they achieve maximum joy, success and service. Since this is a new year, we’ll be talking about this coming year — not so much predictions as preparations. She does have one “prediction”: “In 2019 billions of people will download a new integrated OS (operating system) to shift from “brain-power creation” to “heart-based co-creation.”
We will also be talking about economics as a “state of consciousness” — the “WE-distribution of wealth and wellbeing, finding one’s “vocation of destiny”, evolving from domination to partnership, and why the law of supply and demand has it backward. The new view? Demand, and it will be supplied. The new economics — she uses the term “equanomics” — takes us beyond socialism and capitalism to a regenerative system, where all is reused, and every participating human “cell” is nourished.
If this sounds utopian — consider the alternative. All you have to do is watch “the news.” If you’re ready for some new news, please join us.
To find out more about Jeanine and her work please go here.