Get Swami’s April Fools Day Special ANY DAY!

Because Human Foolishness Is Too Vast to Be Confined to Just One Day

In keeping with Swami’s mission to raise the laugh force on the planet and help humanity use levity to defy gravity, Swami is making the following amazing offer to help proliferate (or is it prolaugherate) cosmic comic consciousness. Four enlightening products — two e-books, and two audio files — to lift us above whatever has been bringing us down, all for the foolishly low price of $20.

1. A Replay of Swami’s April Fools Day Presentation at the prestigious Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, a fool hour of comedy disguised as wisdom and wisdom disguised as comedy. Available now.

2. Totally Quips of the Swami: A Cosmic Comic Compendium. Swami’s first book in fifteen years — wisdom on all topics served up by the epigram. Available in e-book form in May.

3. Spontaneous Evolution: A Universal Love Story — A heartening view that takes “Spontaneous Evolution” from a noun in the future to a verb in the present, and that brings a larger and more hopeful perspective to our current “shituation”. Available as MP3 NOW

4. The Zen Cohens of Harry Cohen Baba — 43 of the funniest jokes in the world, and tips on how to tell them. Available as e-book PDF NOW

Not only will you enlighten and brighten your own spirit, you can share all of these with friends. Like loaves and fishes, the lightness of laughter multiplies. One person can walk into a room with a funny line and hundreds can leave with it. Talk about new clear prolaugheration! And you will be supporting our work at Wiki Politiki!

Go here to order via PayPal – for the foolishly low price of $20!